Parent Recognitions

Many researches confirm that parents’ involvement in their children’s education can be one of the biggest predictors of student success. Parents are encouraged to increase their interaction and discussion with their children and to also be more responsive and sensitive to their children’s social, emotional, and intellectual developmental needs. With parents’ involvement, they will have a better understanding of the adviser’s job and the importance of CYSP program.

This year, CYSP program has “plus” categories with parent involvement; Bronze Plus, Silver Plus and Gold Plus. The Plus categories are added to encourage parent involvement and participation in school activities and their scholars’ events. This component is not mandatory to achieve any of the three medals but will earn special recognition for the scholars that meet the requirements of this component. All 5th to 12th grade parents or legal guardians are welcome to join the CYSP program. We encourage CYSP parents to participate in a variety of in-school and out of school activities with their children.

Concept schools will recognize the parents who participate in the CYSP activities with their children based on the chart below. Also, scholars will earn the plus recognition and extra prizes if their parents are recognized.




Community Service


Community Service

This requirement allows students to participate in activities that enable the student to “give back” to their community. All CYSP students should earn community service hours throughout the year.  Community service hours can be earned at school or an outside organization.


  • Volunteer at a church, community center, or youth organization (tutoring, or events and programs)
  • Students can earn community service hours at school events
  • Help in various community relief events, (e. g., volunteering at a nursing home, fundraising for a natural disaster, food bank activity, helping at a homeless shelter, clean-up activities)
  • A CYSP whole group community service event is highly encouraged.

Logbook Entry:

  • Advisers will enter community service information in students’ logbook as “Community Service”.
  • Scholars should be responsible to get their volunteer hours signed by supervisors.
  • Scholars should show proper verification to advisers if it is done outside.
Peer Tutoring

Peer Tutoring

Scholars who peer-tutor should complete this task at school. CYSP advisers should help their scholars set up peer tutoring sessions with younger grades. Each session must be 45 minutes to an hour in length.


  • Tutor students in younger grades or peers at the teacher’s discretion.
  • Tutor peers in robotics, technology, P.E., or any other subjects offered at the school.

Logbook Entry:

  • Advisers will enter peer tutoring information in students’ logbook as “Peer Tutoring”.
  • Scholars must make sure to keep advisers updated with sign-in sheet.
College Trip


College Trip

All students in grades 7 to 12 should visit colleges throughout the year. These trips are organized by college guidance counselors. Advisers can organize a college visit to complete scholar’s requirement as long as it is coordinated with the college guidance counselor. College visits sponsored by school are the only trips that will count for this category.


  • Visit a local college with group of students during a school trip
  • Visit a college with CYSP group and adviser



Logbook Entry:

  • Advisers can enter college trip information in students’ logbook as “College Trip (In Town)” or “College Trip (Out of Town)”
  • Advisers will be responsible to enter data in logbook if they take group to a college trip.
  • College guidance counselor will enter college trip information into logbook, if this is organized by college counselor.


Capture2Character education is a teaching method which fosters the development of ethical and responsible individuals by teaching them about the good values that people should have. It teaches the students the values of caring about other people, honesty, responsibility, and other important traits that make for an upstanding young adult.

We will provide basic character education lessons and a task list for advisers. Advisers should discuss provided character education topics with their scholars and assign them proper tasks to complete or write a reflection about the topic.


A character education task/reflection with proof of completion.

Logbook Entry:

  • Advisers will enter character education information in students’ logbook as “CYSP Character Education tasks”.
  • Any proof of completion should be attached where applicable.


Physical Fitness

CYSP students are expected to focus on completing the physical fitness requirements.  Students should complete physical fitness hours at home or with CYSP group.  After school sports practice is not included in this category. Physical education class does not count toward CYSP physical fitness hours.


  • Exercising, biking, jogging, swimming, etc.
  • Advisers can schedule time for scholars to have a group workout session together.
  • CYSP groups can play soccer, basketball etc. in school or out of school.

Logbook Entry:

  • Advisers will enter physical fitness information in student logbook as “CYSP-Physical Fitness”.
  • Students will update their adviser to let them know which physical activity they completed.